TROMjaro Forum

TROMjaro 2024.09.05 (Theme Switcher Complete!)

The usual Manjaro Stable updates plus some changes and improvements.

Theme Switcher 3.0 !!!

Our Theme Switcher is now complete! 18 styles x 9 unique accent colors for each of them. That means 162 unique themes in one small theme switcher!

Enjoy the beauty of it! And go thank @rokosun for coding it! Amazing job!

Search redirect, again

This time we are fully using our system for the menu searches. What are those? See this video:

To set them up on your existing TROMjaro install see this.

A new virtual keyboard

The Onbaord Virtual Keyboard (VK) we were using was not updated in years despite being, from my knowledge, the most popular VK for Linux. And for the past weeks it stopped working. So we had to find a new VK.

If you do not use a VK you do not have to do the following, but if you do go ahead and make these changes.

  • Remove the onboard package then install the CoreKeyboard.

  • Remove all onboard .desktop files. Search for them in your home folder and remove.

  • Replace the keyboard shortcuts with the CoreKeyboard.

    Replace with corekeyboard -platform xcb

  • In .config/cubcore create a file called coreapps.conf and add this to it:

IconViewIconSize=@Size(48 48)
ListViewIconSize=@Size(32 32)
ToolsIconSize=@Size(24 24)

WindowSize=@Size(1223 426)

Voila you have a new kayboard. In your taskbar you’ll find the icon for it, click it to tweak if you’d like. It is faster than Onboard and more reliable, however it won’t work with the login screen… We are trying to figure it out why

Flameshot is back

We were using the XFCE Screenshoot Tool but lets face it, nothing is better than Flameshot. I recommend installing it. If you want to use the same config as us, open the file /.config/flameshot/flameshot.ini and add these to it:


Also change the Print command to it:

A few more:

  • We have removed the nextcloud app since it was opening when other apps were opened…annoying! I do not know why. It seems to be working when you are logged in with your Nextcloud account, but for new users to face this was terribly annoying.
  • Fix the webcam settings app. Got to /.local/share/applications/ and open the hu.irl.cameractrls.desktop with a text editor. On line Exec= make sure to add cameractrlsgtk4. Save.
  • In the same folder /.local/share/applications/ delete the riseup-vpn_launcher.desktop file.

That’s it, go grab the ISO from here.